Reviewing Every Game I Played in 2023
Year in Review
Here’s a quick review of each game I played in 2023, in the order I played them.

I enjoyed the gameplay and the story, and the art direction and characters are all incredible. I played this on my Steam Deck, and I expected I would spend more time with it, but I only played it for a few weeks. I think I got a little burned out on the roguelike loop and life got in the way, but I want to go back and finish it at some point.
Life is Strange: Before the Storm

I played through the original Life is Strange in 2022, so I was excited to jump into the prequel. This one didn’t quite live up to the original, but I enjoyed getting to know more about Chloe and Rachel.

Similar to Hades, I really enjoyed what this game is doing, but I got stuck at some point and never went back to it. The aesthetic and the card game mechanics are great, and the story is intriguing. I just need to find some time to get back into it.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Pretty solid Star Wars game, but I really could have used a better map and fast travel. For some reason I decided to get the Platinum Trophy so I spent a lot of time backtracking around the planets looking for collectibles.
The combat and powers were fun, the story was decent, and the characters grew on me. Especially my little droid buddy BD-1.
The Quarry

This was pretty entertaining interactive horror movie. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure style game, but I didn’t feel motivated to save-scum, in part because it’s not always clear what the consequences of your choices will be. Even the quick-time-events lead to different branches if you pass or fail them.
I played through it once and was satisfied with the ending I got, but didn’t feel like going back to see the other endings.
Ghost of Tsushima

Beautiful-looking game with a strong art direction and a fun combat system. I was having so much fun I 100%ed the game, along with the DLC.
Untitled Goose Game

Played through this with my kids, who found the goose’s antics hilarious. It was a light-hearted and charming experience.

This game was too hard for me, so I only got a few biomes in before calling it quits. I enjoyed the gameplay and the story, but I just don’t have the free time to get good. I’m glad there are games like this out there for people who enjoy the challenge, but it wasn’t for me.
Lonely Mountains: Downhill

Chill little mountain biking game, with a cute aesthetic.
Papers, Please

I started this on my Steam Deck but struggled with the control scheme, so I only made it a few days into the game. I’ll have to revisit it on PC.

I found this game overwhelming at first, because the first few loops have some unique story elements and there’s a lot to take in. But once I got into the groove, I really enjoyed it. The gun play was satisfying and the slab powers were fun to use. The level design and art direction are top-notch, and the banter between Colt and Julianna was entertaining. The time loop mechanic and day/night cycle were interesting.
The most popular complaint about this game is that there is only one way to break the time loop, but that didn’t bother me at all. I was happy to have a clear path to follow, and I enjoyed the journey.
Unfortunately the matchmaking for the multiplayer never worked for me, so I didn’t get to experience that side of the game. One of the downsides of waiting too long to play a game, I guess.
Chicory: A Colorful Tale

This is a unique and delightful game, with coloring book mechanics that are fun and relaxing. The story is touching, the characters are charming, and the soundtrack by Lena Raine is a treat.
Star Wars: Squadrons

I played this entirely in VR with a HOTAS setup, and it was a blast. The campaign was a good length and had a decent story, and it was fun getting to fly the various ships. The flight mechanics were fun and the game looked and felt great in VR. I didn’t spend any time in multiplayer, but I had a great time with the campaign. I just wanted to fly around in VR and shoot stuff, and this game delivered.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014)

Another older game that I was really interested in playing when it came out, but never got around to. It feels pretty dated nine years later, but the Nemesis system is still pretty cool and the combat is fun.
Infamous: First Light (2014)

Fetch was one of the best parts of Infamous Second Son, so I was happy to jump back into Seattle for another short standalone adventure with her. This is a short game that definitely feels like a DLC, but I have no complaints.
Doom (2016)

This was a solid fast-paced shooter with good level design and a killer soundtrack.
A Short Hike (2019)

Played this on my Steam Deck and it was a perfect fit for the device. A charming and relaxing experience that didn’t overstay its welcome.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (2016)
I was never a Call of Duty player, so I didn’t play the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare when it came out in 2007. The remastered version was a great way to experience the game for the first time. I thought the campaign still holds up well, but I didn’t spend any time in multiplayer.
A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019)

This is a very innovative game, which I always appreciate. The gameplay was a mix of stealth, puzzles, and some light combat. Pacing was on point and the game was a good length. I found the story compelling, and it is what really kept me going.
I wasn’t interested in seeing any more rats by the end, so I didn’t immediately jump into the sequel. But I am interested in seeing what’s next for this series at some point.
Heavy Rain (2010)

Sometimes, being a patient gamer does not pay off. This game might have been innovative on the PS3, but it has not aged well. It features the weirdest control scheme I’ve ever seen, and was relatively glitchy on the PS5. It was the PlayStation Plus monthly game back in 2018, and maybe it was more impressive then.
Anyways, I had it installed for a while, so in an effort to clear out some space, I finally played it. Glitches and control scheme aside, I got hooked on the story and it kept me going through to the end. The mechanics and branching narrative were interesting, so I’m glad I played it.
Spiritfarer (2020)

This is another game I’ve been wanting to play for a while, and it was a great fit for the Steam Deck. It was a relaxing and emotional experience, with great writing, music, and art. The gameplay loop was engaging and I enjoyed the management aspects.
It was just a tad longer than I needed it to be, but I might have spent too much time in the early game. I didn’t like how sections of the map were gated to my progress, as mid-game I was ready to explore more of the world but was forced to wait for the story to catch up. There were also some late-game characters that came and went very quickly, so I didn’t get as attached to them as I would have liked.
But overall, it was a great experience and a game I would recommend to anyone.